Blessings in the New Year

As we close out 2023, we at BESI want to thank everyone who has partnered with us in supporting the El-Shaddaih Orphanage in Malawi!  We appreciate every prayer for the children of the orphanage.  We are also grateful for every monetary donation that has come through BESI.  Amazing things have been able to happen at the orphanage this past year due to selfless people like you and a big God!

For 2024, we humbly ask that all of our supporters consider a monthly recurring gift.  Our goal is that a sustainable budget is created by adding monthly donors. As of right now, we have very few people who give monthly.  You have all been so great when we need a big item, or the orphanage is facing a crisis or need that has to be met right away.  Please prayerfully consider a monthly gift.  Signing up for recurring gifts are simple, you can do so on the website by clicking the yellow “donate today” button.

We understand that financially, some families are not able to commit to giving monthly.  Another simple way to support the effort of BESI is to create awareness. How can I do that, you ask?  When you see a post made by the BESI Team on Facebook, Instagram or when you receive one of our BESI email updates; please hit the SHARE button so that your circle of influence can have an opportunity to join us in making a difference.

Thank you all again. Your generosity to the children of the El-Shaddaih Orphanage has touched many lives and will continue to do so.  God Bless!





Join us in helping El-Shaddaih Orphanage. Your gift will have a huge impact on the over 100 children who live there. To find out how you can make a difference, visit our "Get Involved" tab or send an inquiry on our Contact page.