Shoes on every foot!

Several years ago, a container was packed and shipped from central USA to Malawi, and it was filled to the corners with everything from a Ford pickup truck to bicycles, to pounds and pounds of clothing and shoes for the children to wear. This container is officially empty. If you were a part of donating, collecting, storing, organizing or packing that container, LOOK HOW FAR YOUR EFFORTS STRETCHED! Everything is worn and passed down until it’s unfit to wear and collectively, it was time for shoes. Enough croc-like shoes were purchased for over 200 little pairs of feet, to wear outside and in the showers. The kids were thrilled to have something new! Thank you, for going above and beyond with your generosity and sacrifice for El-Shaddaih Orphanage! We couldn’t keep up without the BESI supporters and we thank GOD continually for you!



Join us in helping El-Shaddaih Orphanage. Your gift will have a huge impact on the over 100 children who live there. To find out how you can make a difference, visit our "Get Involved" tab or send an inquiry on our Contact page.